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S21 Application Form

Thank you for considering Ltd as your S21 FP Approver. Please be aware that is required not to approve any financial promotions in respect of cryptoassets at this time. For more information, please see the restrictions on our permissions here. We have appealed these restrictions and await the outcome of the Upper Tribunal. If you apply to work with us, we will assist you with the compliance requirements to ensure your firm does not target UK customers. We will queue applications and process them in the order received. While we are hopeful to have our permissions reinstated, we cannot confirm if or when this will happen.
We have developed this online application to collect information about your business to inform our due diligence assessment.
When you are ready to submit your application, you will be invoiced the application fee of £5,000 + VAT and invited to pay online using Open Banking. Payment is to be received before your application can be fully considered.
To assist, we have created a short guidance document.
  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3
  • Step 4
  • Step 5
  • Step 6
  • Step 7
  • Step 8
  • Step 9
  • Step 10
  • Step 11